Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bele Chere at a Glance

Bele Chere is a street festival, featuring live bands, children's rides, food booths, arts and crafts vendors, and other entertainment. It goes from Friday through Sunday. It is held in downtown Asheville.

Why we have Bele Chere:
Because 29 years ago, downtown was pretty well a gohost town, with most major stores having relocated to Asheville mall, Bele Chere was created to bring visitors back to downtown, and its one reason the city is so vibrant today.

How Much?
All entertainment is free except for Saturday gated Bele Chere Jam at City-County Plaza.

Weather Forcast
Its shaping up to be a pertially rainy Bele Chere. Look for highs in the lower 80s with a 40% chance of showers Friday and Saturday, increasing to a 50% chance of rain on Sunday.

Well thats some of the basics of Bele Chere. I hope its helped you in some way. I'm looking forward to Bele Chere. I was supposed to go last night but of course it rained so i'm going today hoping for no rain i'll let you know how it goes.

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