Saturday, July 28, 2007

God and Stuff

Jerimiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This is my favorite verse from the whole bible. I think about it all the time and it gives me inspiration. I wanted to share it with you to inspire you too. Just think about it God has plans for us so we can know that we have a future that we are gunna be ok. thats great to know.

I went to camp with my church a few weeks ago. We went to camp Caswell at the North Carolina coast. It was a great time and I really got a lot out of it. Like I figured out that God wants me to go into missions. Which has been a big thing for me cause i have been thinking about and dealing with this for a long time. I still am struggling with it too a point like questioning whether i will be able to do what is required to be a missionary and stuff like that.

Another problem i'm having is not wanting to go to church. Like i used to love church but i think it used to be for the people not for God. Now all the people at my church have changed and its just not the same. Its not as welcoming and as loving as it used to be. I think it has something to do with my mental illness but i'm not positive. So i don't go to church i don't read my bible or pray most of the time, sometimes i do but not a lot, but i still come back all the time to being pulled to the mission field. Is that bad....i still believe in God and stuff. I have definitly done my share of questioning him though but overall i believe in him.

Is this bad? I know i need to do better. Maybe i can set up a schedule for doing a devotion every day then i can get back on track with doing them and start spending time with God because i do miss God. He's my friend my best bud and i haven't been communicating with him for a while now. This is definitly what i'm gunna do. alright i'm gunna go work on that for a while. see ya!

Bele Chere at a Glance

Bele Chere is a street festival, featuring live bands, children's rides, food booths, arts and crafts vendors, and other entertainment. It goes from Friday through Sunday. It is held in downtown Asheville.

Why we have Bele Chere:
Because 29 years ago, downtown was pretty well a gohost town, with most major stores having relocated to Asheville mall, Bele Chere was created to bring visitors back to downtown, and its one reason the city is so vibrant today.

How Much?
All entertainment is free except for Saturday gated Bele Chere Jam at City-County Plaza.

Weather Forcast
Its shaping up to be a pertially rainy Bele Chere. Look for highs in the lower 80s with a 40% chance of showers Friday and Saturday, increasing to a 50% chance of rain on Sunday.

Well thats some of the basics of Bele Chere. I hope its helped you in some way. I'm looking forward to Bele Chere. I was supposed to go last night but of course it rained so i'm going today hoping for no rain i'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Living with mental illness

I just read a blog by someone and they were talking about what its like to live with mental illness. To live with the effects of bipolar disorder or Borderline personality disorder. How it can screw up your life your relationships every thing.

Also how people make fun of mental illness like its a game or just some silly little thing that doesn't even matter when really it does. It matters a lot. People throw out suicide threats all the time just joking around but they don't know the real pain of someone who's really going through that. The lonliness, pain, sadness, depression. Feeling so bad that you hurt yourself. you actually take a razorblade and slice into your skin. They don't know that kind of pain. Or how about to take a lighter to your skin and hold it there. Or to hold a lighter to your clothes hoping they'll catch on fire and you'll die.

What about when the pain gets too much and you take that almost fatal overdose. They aren't sure whether you'll wake up or not or if there is damge done or not.

People who don't feel this who don't experience it don't know about it and therefore they shouldn't joke around about it.


Well i signed up with a blog carnival tonight and now i have set up a carnival to be hosted here on this blog. The Controversial issues blog. i think it will be a great carnival. The first issue is on Abortion. I just wanted to get on here and put my two cents in about abortion. I am definitly against it. i think that they should have the baby and then give it up for adoption or something not kill it i mean come on. Thats how i feel now let me hear from you.


Hey, I'm so excited to be starting my first blog. I hope your excited about reading it. So for this blog I'm just going to give you some information on how I'm going to do my blog.

I am basically going to do different types of posts on different subjects all the time cause theres so much i'm interested in i just want to get it all in so here are some things you might see:

  • word of the day
  • phrase of the day
  • posts about quotes
  • posts on politics and the presidential election
  • tips-cleaning/organizational/parenting/business
  • stuff about starting your own business
  • calender of events
  • Jokes
  • links
  • Awareness posts
  • kindness stuff

And thats just some of whats going through my head. so subscribe to my blog and stay posted.
