Friday, October 19, 2007

Cutting info

I found this on a website called mpower musicians for mental health and they had great articles and stuff. but this one is on cutting and i promised a few weeks ago i would get you some info on cutting and what the deal is with it.

what is cutting?
  • cutting is when someone takes something sharp, like a razor, knife, scissors or piece of glass,and runs it along a part of their body usually to the point of bleeding or bruising.
  • Most cuts are made on arms, wrists, and legs. sometimes peope cut their chest, stomach,face, neck, breasts, or genitals. Cutting on the arms and wrists is the most common because it's often easier to make up excuses for marks on these parts of the body
  • Cutting is a form of self-injury or self-mutilation some people also call it slashing or slicing
  • Besides cutting people may hurt themselves in other ways, including scratching,burning skin with a lighter, punching, or headbutting

Basically peope cut to deal with difficult problems or fellings, but there are better, healthier ways to cope.

Who Cuts?

  • About 2 million people in the us hurt themselves in some way. most are teenagers or young adults, and they're from all races and backgrounds. To hids their cutting they often wear clothing like long pants or shirts, even in warm weather

Why do people cut?

For most people, it's hard to understand why anyone would intentionally hurt themselves. but, for those who cut, there are a few reasons

  • some people say they do it because of emotional pain they can't put into words
  • Some say it gives them a sense of control when other things in their life are out of control, like a break uup, a friend who's sick or a parents divorce.
  • some people cut to punish themselves for troubling thoughts and acts
  • some find the act soothing and it makes them feel alive
  • some cut to get a reaction

No matter the reason, cutting is a serious, dangerous behavior, and may be a sign or another problem

Is Cutting a Suicide attempt?

usually, people who cut aren't trying to kill them selves. At the same time, cutting can be life-threatening. In fact, sometimes, people can't control the injury and die accidently

If you or someone you know is thinking about killing themselves, contact 1-800-273-TALK(1-800-273-8255) immediatly to talk to a crisis center in your area. Suicide is never the answer to your problems.

Ok thats it for today i'll have the second half of the info tomorrow or the next day. The rest of it is on how to help a friend or how to help your self if your cutting or your friend is cutting.

I am also going to start working on a massive coping skills list with every coping skill i can find on it and i'll have it posted in a week or two.

If you are struggling with this or have any questions just email me at with the subject as cutting and i'll gladly answer any thing or just be there to talk as a fellow cutter

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