Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Things to do-Oct 16 2007

  1. Write erica my tech an apology note(we kinda got into it on friday because i wouldn't take a bath to go out with her and she got mad. I could tell she was mad and i don't want to lose her so this is what i've gotta do)
  2. Make out a list of things we can go do together
  3. Make up my own distraction list.
  4. Go get my lip pierced with stephanie and taz. I'm actually getting my labret pierced. I think its gunna hurt like hell but thats ok i can take it. I actually want to do a post on tattoos and peircings and aftercare and that type stuff.

Just for an update i dyed my hair last night its like a blackish brown color looks really good. Today i'm going to get my labret pierced. I'm sort of scared but definitly want it done. granny is gunna dis own me after i get it done and stuff. I've got some new pics that i should definitly put on here. I want to borrow moms camera for getting these pictures made. oh well gotta go. see ya

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