Monday, August 20, 2007

What is a Blog?

I was doing a little research on the web this week and came across this info and thought it might be useful to some one.

Blog is short for weblog. A blog is a type of website, but differ from the usual site style, by having these characteristics:

  • An informal, personal, ongoing diay-type commentary by an individual: either about his/her life, or opinion/news about a specific topic
  • Most blog entries are plain-text mini-articles, though pictures, audio and even video clips can be incorporated too.
  • Latest blog entry appears near the top of the front page with previous entries below it in date order.
  • Blog entries are usually short; longer posts are sometimes split so the balence of the item is on a new page.
  • Readers often have the oppurtunity to add their own comments about a blog entry, or even respond to other peoples feedback
  • Readers can opt to recieve an alert by RSS every time a new entry is posted on the blog
  • Most blogs are created and updated through a web-based interface system such as Blogger. No technical Knowledge is needed to start a blog, though technically-minded people can install software on their servers to create more sophisticated and customizable blogs.

I hope that this info has helped you become more intouch with what blogs are and how they work. They are really very interesting.

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