Thursday, August 30, 2007


Theres been a little bit happening but not to much. Sorry i haven't been on here in a few days. I'm just giving you an update right now of whats happening then i'm gunna try to get some content on here later tonight or tomorrow.

I went to the dentist today. I had some cavities filled. They numbed my mouth up. I couldn't talk right afterwards it was pretty funny. But the fillings still hurt when they where drilling and blowing the air on the teeth. But thats over now

Veronica was over here earlier this week. We didn't do much together just enjoyed knowing we were in the same room with each other i guess.

My moms been on Vacation this week. I miss her bunches. She went to Harrisonberg, Virginia i think. Not sure about that though. Maybe ill look up some info on where she went here in a minute or something so i can be in the know.

I found out my counselor is quitting the place where shes working now and going to business for herself. She will hopefully take me with her but we don't know how everything will work out yet. I'm pretty nervous about that. What if she doesn't get to take me with her? I don't wanna switch counselors agian. Maybe I will just go without one for a while. I don't know.

We had homecomeing at church Sunday and it was pretty good. Lots of singin then of course there was some good food. I also saw Dino who went to another church and Bethany who said shes been going to another church.

I think thats it for now i'll try to update again later or tomorrow. See ya

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I am doing this new thing to promote my blog. I'm building my friends list on myspace and then i am going to use my myspace to promote my blog.

i started off today by adding bands to my friends list then later i'm going to start joining groups and start participating some in them to get to know some people the ni will go through the groups members lists and invite people to be my friends.

Then as i get more and more friends i will promote my blog with bulletins and such.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Sister

I am really worried about my sister. She is 17. She got married to this guy named Mark. Mark won't get a job and we found out he hits her. I really don't like him. Well the last few weeks my sis has been calling and saying she was leaving him and she would come over and stay the night then be back with him the next day. Well this last time when she went back to him she called my mom and told her that she didn't need her help anymore for like getting to work and stuff.

Now last night she got in a wreck. They were riding with some guy and hit a tree and she broke her wrist.

So i am really worried about her. I don't know what to do to help her or what.

Monday, August 20, 2007

What is a Blog?

I was doing a little research on the web this week and came across this info and thought it might be useful to some one.

Blog is short for weblog. A blog is a type of website, but differ from the usual site style, by having these characteristics:

  • An informal, personal, ongoing diay-type commentary by an individual: either about his/her life, or opinion/news about a specific topic
  • Most blog entries are plain-text mini-articles, though pictures, audio and even video clips can be incorporated too.
  • Latest blog entry appears near the top of the front page with previous entries below it in date order.
  • Blog entries are usually short; longer posts are sometimes split so the balence of the item is on a new page.
  • Readers often have the oppurtunity to add their own comments about a blog entry, or even respond to other peoples feedback
  • Readers can opt to recieve an alert by RSS every time a new entry is posted on the blog
  • Most blogs are created and updated through a web-based interface system such as Blogger. No technical Knowledge is needed to start a blog, though technically-minded people can install software on their servers to create more sophisticated and customizable blogs.

I hope that this info has helped you become more intouch with what blogs are and how they work. They are really very interesting.

Friday, August 17, 2007

starting a website

I am really interested in starting a webite. I've been talking to a lady from church and she said it would be cool to have a website for like the youth group to have so i think i'm gunna create that. I'm thinking i'm gunna start with yahoo's geoCities and try to make one there and see how it goes. I'm also thinking of taking a class on web design a the community college this semester if i get the money. I don't know though. I think it would be cool. I've been looking at stuff on like starting your own like web design business and stuff and i think that would be cool. Just wanted to let yall in on some of my thoughts. I may have a few more posts on making a website with info on actually doing it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

service day

well i've been working more on the program with my mom and come up with another cool idea. It's to have a service day where for that day or a week people go out and they do community service stuff to earn their time dollars.

About the service day do i want to do it before the holidays or after the holidays. I know i will be asking for a lot of help during christmas time and thanksgiving and wanting to do a food drive and toy drive with the people in Emma Bucks. So either do the week in september or october or do it after the holidays.

Doing it after the holidays will also give me more time to get use to the program and the people and just what goes on. Also it will give me time to plan out more and get more people involved in the program and working and doing stuff not just sitting around.

i think this is a great idea it will get people involved hopefully and log more hours into the database and just improve the community overall.

i also sat down and made out some goals that i want to see happen, i don't have a time frame for when i want them to happen by but i do have the goals that i want to happen.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Just Stuff

Well i've been pretty busy the last couple days or actually this whole week i guess. I started talking to mom about the program she does at work and we got to talking about how she doesn't really have the time to put into it any more with all the stuff she does so i am pretty interested in it. The basis of the program is that you do for example an hour of service for someone so you earn an time dollar for your hour of service then u can use that time dollar to buy someone elses services. Its basically a way to build the community up and bring people together. I am very interested in it because i've been looking at this stuff on kindness and community Service projects and stuff like that and wanting to get involved in that some how. So i've been thinking about working with mom on the program and sort of starting to revamp the program some and just sort of bring it back to life.

I have already sort of been thinking of some things to do. The first thing i would do is call all the people in the program and see if they are still interested in it or not that way we would know who would be willing to do stuff and who wouldn't.

Then i've thought about maybe putting together a newsletter type thing just a little one page update one the program and activities each month maybe highlighting certain services each month. I just want to do something that keeps the members up to date and in the know about whats going on, what's happening.

Another thing i found that you could do with the program thats not being done is sending out bank statements each month to show people what amount of dollars they have. I also think that would be a great idea.

Also i thought of getting on some kind of email system where we could keep people updated by email. We could do the newsletter over email for the people who have it and the bank statements too then we would be saving money on paper and postage and stuff like that.

I think that we should do a new sheet for people to fill out with information on it that would include new stuff like the email if they have it and so on. And then this would just refresh the info we have and make sure the stuff they need is up to date and what they can provide is up to date to.

I don't have any ideas about recruiting new members yet but i'm gunna try and figure something out for that. The only thing mom told me was she would catch new people when they come to the center for a food box or for emergency assisstance or whatever but not much besides that. There's gotta be something along that lines that i could do.

The only problem with this whole plan that i have is that i'm very scared about making phone calls and doing stuff like that which could put a big damper on the whole call everybody plans, ya know. I don't know what i'm gunna do about that. I've been working on the problem with my counselor but only twice so its still hard. The good thing is though that mom said her and her boss could still be there for doing any public speaking things because thats definitly not for me at all.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Creating a website

I've been sort of thinking about creating a website. I'm not quite sure what i want to do it on but i've got some good ideas. I'm just not sure how to do it or what it would take to create one. I'm thinking of taking a class at ab-tech on web design in the fall so maybe i'll get some pointers then. I found a site and it offers a pretty good package on the domain name and the hosting for just 5 bucks. I think i could afford that maybe. I don't know i'm not making any money so that could be a problem. but here's an idea, maybe i could do a little newsletter about my website and info stuff and sell it to people to help cover the costs of the fees. thats a good idea but would people buy it. I don't know. we would just have to see. I could do the newsletter on the news or stuff like that or whatever. It would be good publicity for my site and help me pay the bills. good idea.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Isaiah 53:5

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed"
Isaiah 53:5

Its amazing to sit here and think about the pain that Jesus went though, and all of it for me. If i was the only one left on earth he still would have done what he did. Just thinking about the beatings he had where the whip they used would rip his skin off, it makes me hurt just thinking about it. But Jesus took it and was able to bear them and he was able to carry his cross up that hill. He took those nails, don't forget they were supposed to be our nails, but he took them for us and died on that cross.

But thats not all!!!!

3 Days later he rose from the grave triumphant over death

Amen to that!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Blog carnival

Welcome to the first edition of the controversial issues blog carnival. I hope you enjoy it. There are a lot of great article posts.

Welcome to the August 5, 2007 edition of controvertial issues.

Dana presents href=""
>Is our goal really to "bankrupt the American educational establishment?"
> posted at href=""
>Principled Discovery

Stephen Littau presents href=""
>A Letter to Catholics
> posted at href=""
>Fearless Philosophy For Free Minds

Hal Sommerschield, Ph.D. presents href=""
>Have I Met You Before, Mr. Nifong?
> posted at href=""
>North Star Mental Fitness Blog

edithyeung presents href=""
>Fresh Off the Boat!
> posted at href=""
>Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act.

Adam Gurri presents href=""
>A Moral Perspective on Minimum Wage
> posted at href=""

Ruby presents href=""
>The Truth About The Secret, aka The Intention-Manifestation Model of Life
> posted at href=""
>Advice and Rants


Jon Swift presents href=""
>A Strike Against Abortion
> posted at href=""
>Jon Swift
>, saying, "Was 2005's New York Transit Workers strike the first anti-abortion strike in history?"

TherapyDoc presents href=""
>Everyone Needs Therapy: 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
> posted at href=""
>Everyone Needs Therapy
>, saying, "It's a think twice concept"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
controvertial issues
using our
title="Submit an entry to “controvertial issues”"
>carnival submission form
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
title="Blog Carnival index for “controvertial issues”"
blog carnival index page

I was doing my bible study and time with God the other day and this is what i came up with.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

This was a very interesting verse for me because like i've said in other posts i am interested in missions very much. There is a Dicipleship Training School put on by Youth With A Mission and i have been very interested in going to it. So let me tell you about it:

Discipleship Training School: Surrender Never Felt So Good
The DTS is an introductory heart-change school designed to give you a solid foundation of personal discipleship. Whether you're interested in career missions or just want to take some time to focus on your personal walk with the Lord, the DTS is for you.

the next one that i could possibly go to would be January 6th, 2008

the cost is $2890 for the lecture phase and $2700-$3200 for the Field assignment

I think it would be a great experience for me especially in missions since thats what i'm feeling called to do. The school spends like 3 months doing the lecture phase and the book work part of the schooling then they go out for a two month outreach project. thats when we will be doing mission work. That would be so cool.

The only thing is i'm not sure i could do it. Like i think i could but i would be really scared. I'm still thinking about it but i need to decided soon and if i'm going apply and see if i get accepted so then i can start getting some fundraising going ya know.

I also must mention that Veronica is supposed to be home from her mission trip now so i should get to talk to her soon so i'm excited about that.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New Creation

I read this in a devotion today and it was very uplifting and i thought I should share with you. It's from

Romans 8:1 tells us there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. We each have sinned, but you no longer need to be afraid of your dark past. Epesians 5:8 promises, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light." You don't have to be afraid. Christ is calling you to live in fearless freedom.

  1. What triggers memories of the past?
  2. How has your life changed since you became a new creation?
  3. Who can you trust to share a story from your past? God will use your story to help others find hope.

Power Verses

"Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; Once you had not recieved mercy, but now you have recieved mercy" 1 Peter 2:10

"when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkneww, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

This was very inspiring to me because theres a lot of stuff that i have done that I'm not proud of and i don't like to think about and this just lets me know that God sets me free from my past.